About Our School

Still Within is not just a school in the traditional sense of the word-more broadly, we are a community of like-minded people that come together to practice everything yoga-centric, learn from each other and have fun doing it. Our purpose is to share authentic yoga practices, make yoga more meaningful and accessible, and to develop healthy individuals. As Mark Hyman says, “The power of community to create health is far greater than that of any physician, clinic or hospital”. 

Know that when you come to Still Within, you are stepping into a safe space where we appreciate and celebrate everyone, discuss views and ideas, and give back to the community. If this resonates with you, we welcome you to join us. Please look through the information on the site but if there are lingering questions, we are here to talk. 

RYT 500, RPYT, Yin Yoga Certified

Aparna Ramesh

Founder and Lead Teacher

Hi, I’m Aparna and I am delighted that you are visiting our space. What started as a curious exploration a decade ago has led me to become a certified yoga teacher, an avid reader and a dedicated practitioner. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn from highly established teachers in India and in Europe, and believe that it is my dharma to share this knowledge with as many others as I can. My classes are typically based on principles of yoga that we can practice on the mat and take back with us to our daily lives. I am a Speech Pathologist as well as a Project Manager and have been in the healthcare industry for over 20 years. I am naturally curious about the application of yoga in a variety of settings- improving quality of life, building effective teams, bringing mindfulness to my work day... the possibilities are infinite. A good fit between a teacher's style and philosophy and the students' goal is key to a successful learning partnership. At Still Within, our classes and teacher trainings are deeply rooted in traditional yoga. We endeavour to connect with each student and to make a notable difference in their lives.
RYT 200

Anand Chandrashekhar

Hi there-I’m Anand. I completed my 200 hour teacher training in 2018 and joined Aparna in teaching group and private classes. My personal vision is to grow as a practitioner and as a teacher, while also supporting the business needs of Still Within. On weekends, you will typically find me hiking, rock climbing or kayaking. Yoga for me has been a deeply grounding and healing experience. With a high pressure corporate job in sales, I turn to yoga practices to find balance and to manage stress. I hope I can inspire you to start and keep up a regular practice of yoga.

What We Offer

Teachers' Training





We empower people to use the techniques of yoga to explore a path of holistic transformation.


We do our best to remove barriers to access-levels, abilities, costs, etc.


We are committed to life-long learning, growing and innovating.